Parents, chances are you might not know most of the slang associated with vaping. The youth vaping epidemic has introduced several terms, phrases, and emojis to disguise online conversations making it difficult for adults to comprehend. Vape users often use seemingly harmless emojis in text messages and social media to secretly obtain and share vapes. Learn how to interpret your teen’s messages using the emoji decoder sheet we've produced to help parents understand today's vaping lingo.
Big Tobacco is targeting kids with enticing vape flavors. Parents, keep an eye out for emojis and slang that kids may use to distribute flavored vapes.
Disposable e-cigarettes sold in the U.S. nearly tripled in nicotine strength, quintupled in e-liquid capacity, and dropped in price by nearly 70%.
The wide variety of enticing flavors added to these products makes it a tough task to steer our children away from vaping.
Keeping up with the slang (popular terms and phrases) from young vapers can be difficult at best. The realm of vaping and its vocabulary is ever-expanding, with new lingo and jargon cropping up regularly. Check back here regularly to see other vape slang examples in our ongoing series of "Read Between the Slang".